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Prof. Dr. Nathalie Holvoet

Nathalie is a professor at the Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp. She holds a PhD in economics and her main areas of expertise are ‘monitoring and evaluation’ and ‘gender and development’. N. Holvoet teaches several courses in IOB’s Advanced Master Programmes in Development Studies. One stream of courses is in the field of monitoring & evaluation including M&E methodology, policy & systems, evaluability, impact of M&E, meta-evaluation, community based monitoring; another stream focuses on gender and development issues (gender & aid/development policies, intrahousehold resource allocation, gender & climate change, gender budgeting). She has been the supervisor of over 120 (advanced) master dissertations and 10 PhDs. Together with dr. S. Dewachter and the Belgium Special Evaluator Office she organizes the short term training programme ‘’Strengthening National M&E Capacities: national evaluation societies as a driving force”.

Over the past 25 years, N. Holvoet has been the promoter of various research projects financed by the Flemish Council of Interuniversity Development Cooperation (VlirUOS), the University of Antwerp and Flemish Research Fund. Recent research focuses on (unconditional) cash transfers, community based monitoring/citizen science, impact of international study experiences. She has been involved in policy research and advisory work commissioned by the Belgian Directorate General for Development, Belgian Technical Cooperation/Enabel, Europeaid, Council of Europe, ILO/ITC, UNDP, UN-Women, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has done research missions and policy advisory work in Burkina Faso, DRC, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda.

Nathalie Holvoet has published in various publication outlets, both nationally (in Dutch) and internationally. She is a member of various professional organizations including the European Evaluation Society (EES) and the Flemish Evaluation Platform (VEP) of which she is a founding member.

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