Geographic Information System Workshop
Fri, 30 Jun
|Communitor Blackboard room (link below)
Are you interested in various tools that you can use in your project like Geographic Information System (GIS)? Find the materials and recording here:

Time & Location
30 Jun 2023, 15:30 – 17:00
Communitor Blackboard room (link below)
About the event
This workshop aims to provide an introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Prof. Bossissi Nkuba and Franck Zahinda will facilitate it. The first part of this workshop will emphasize the theoretical elements related to the use of GIS, while the second part will have a hands-on focus.
Bossissi Nkuba is an Associate Professor of natural resources at the Center of Expertise on Mining and Environmental Governance (CEGEMI) of the Catholic University of Bukavu (UCB). He is also a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Antwerp, from which he holds a Ph.D., focusing on artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) -derived pollutants in waters, fish, and human communities, as well as the sociopolitical dynamics behind such pollutions. His current research focuses on the governance of natural resources (sand, stones, minerals, water, etc.) in Africa's fast-growing cities. His recent work includes the development of DRC's ASGM National Action Plan 2020-2035, analysis of artisanal cobalt mining in Katanga (DRC), water pollution in Hawassa Lake (Ethiopia), implementation of ASGM national action plans (Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, and Zimbabwe), and others.
Franck Zahinda is an environmentalist who holds a master's degree in geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing from the University of the Witwatersrand and a degree in water and forests from the Université Catholique de Bukavu, where he is a teaching assistant. His research mainly focuses on the environmental impacts of mining and the application of GIS and remote sensing in studying the agricultural potential of soils. This year, he started a Ph.D. in environmental science at the University of Antwerp to study the environmental impacts of the extraction of building materials in Eastern DR Congo.
We meet as usually in our Blackboard room: